Upcoming events.

Turkey Trot
The Turkey Trot is our annual 5k fundraiser.
Register at https://runsignup.com/Race/MI/ImlayCity/ICCSTurkeyTrot

Early Dismissal/Parent Teacher Conferences
Students will be dismissed at 12:00.
Parents will be notified of their scheduled conference times.

Early Dismissal/Parent Teacher Conferences
Students will be dismissed at 12:00.
Parents will be notified of their scheduled conference times.

Farmer's Market: New Location
The farmer’s market will be at Imlay City Christian Reformed Church, 395 N Cedar St.
Stop by and pick up some vegetables from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Uncle Pete's Order Pick-up
Please be sure to mark your calendar and pick up your order at ICCS on this date. If unable to due to unforeseen circumstances please contact us ASAP to schedule an alternative pick-up date/time.

Orders for Uncle Pete's Pasty Sale Due
Please drop off, call in (810-724-5695), or email orders (office@iccschool.net) by the end of the school day.

Science Camp
Science Camp is held from 9am–3:30pm at the Kresge Environmental Education Center.