Support us
Whether you have time, talents, or treasure to give, we’re grateful for your desire to stay connected to Imlay City Christian School.
Ways to get involved
To our parents and alumni, thank you for keeping the Crusader spirit alive with your continued involvement and support!
Please include our students and staff in your prayers, specifically for God to lead new students to our doors, to open their minds to education, and for protection over our community.
We’re always looking for volunteers, such as for our annual Science Camp or to be part of the School Board. Contact us to find out what opportunities are currently available.
Attend school programs
Join us for our Harvest Celebration, Christmas program, Science Camp, and Picnic in the Park. The students appreciate your support and encouragement!
Participate in fundraisers
We’d love to see you join us for one of our school fundraisers, like the Turkey Trot, Pasty Sales, Farmer’s Markets, or Annual Auction. Keep an eye on our calendar!
We greatly appreciate one-time or regular gifts of cash, checks, or personal property transfers. Many corporations have a matching gift program for charitable contributions, which can double your impact.
Sponsor a student
With our Sponsor-a-Student program, you can invest financially in the lives of our students, giving them the opportunity to experience a quality Christian education through tuition assistance.

Start having confidence in your child’s education
Schedule a time to tour our school, chat with Principal Karen Hibbler, or apply today.